A place for our thoughts

Month: April 2006

Kathy Griffin Rocks!

We were so excited for the date to come, and Wednesday it finally did.  We had a wonderful dinner at the Capital Grille followed by our first live show by comic Kathy Griffin!

After work we stopped out for dinner at the Capital Grille.  Neither of us had been there for dinner before (Jeff had had lunch there once before).  We were seated promptly and introduced to our waiter, Michael.  We started with an incredible bottle of Bordeaux, Chateau de Pez.  It was the first time I’ve had a bottle of wine decanted at the table…it was a treat!  The boquet really opened up, and the flavor was incredible.  Then, I had the Lobster Bisque.  It was thicker in consistency than I was expecting, but had a great flavor and quite a bit of lobster meat.  We followed up with a Delmonico and a Steak au Poivre and a fresh-cut-from-the-cob sweet corn side dish.  All were excellent!  And Michael did a fantastic job.

We left dinner just in time to get into our seats before the show started.  Kathy came out right on time and gave a great show.  She was funny as usual, with new material.  What I think I liked most was how “natural” she seemed to be up there.  It was almost like being at a party where there was a funny guest who loves to tell stories.  She’s really comfortable on stage, and she’s doing what she seems to be meant to do.  Her tour is pretty big…so go see her if you can!

Spring in Utah?

Imagine my surprise when I got off the plane last night to rain and snow on the ground after a 75-degree weekend at home!  Imagine having to brush 4 inches of snow off of the car this morning when I left for work!  Now imagine that just last week I was inline skating at the park in shorts and a tee shirt!

Salt Lake City in SpringtimeStrange weather here yesterday and today.  Snow in the mountains, scattered flurries on the bench and scattered showers in the valley.  An odd mix of black and white clouds, partially obscuring both mountainside and sky, casting holstein-like patterns of shaddow and light into the valley.  Green grass poking through fresh white patches of snow.  Snow clinging to tree blossoms.  If only a photo would do it justice.  (If only I had taken the time to take a photo.)

It was a busy weekend.  I really missed seeing the family on Easter Sunday, but somehow my schedule seems to be in control of my life rather than the other way around!  I arrived home Friday evening and did manage to enjoy the hot tub for a little while.  French class and a going-away party for our friends Kevin and Will kept me away from the house most of the day on Saturday.  Sunday simply disappeared…  Next thing I know I’m back here.  But with working back home yesterday and travel last night, then working and having a flying club board meeting (via telephone) today…It’s already 9:30pm and I’m only now having a little free time.  So I thought I’d take a moment to make this post.

Some faith restored!

The other day I was looking for child-hood songs containing French words…but I forgot one important one:  Alouette!  Well, it’s easy enough to find, and it’s kind of funny.  I think we should sing it in class to learn body parts of a bird!  (He he).  If this brings back memories for you, check it out, including a sing-along!  Let me know if it makes you feel hungry 🙂

Ought to sleep well tonight!

The rain has finally stopped here in SLC, and the winds from the south have brough with them respectable temps!  Tonight I finally got out on my inline skates for the first time this season.  Actually, it’s been since the summer of ’04 that I actually last used them.

After leaving work “early” (6:00), I changed clothes and headed to Liberty Park.  I managed to eek out 10 1.25 mile laps in an hour and a quarter.  Not too bad I guess!  It surely felt good to get some cardio-vascular exercise!

p.s.  Stouffer’s Corner Bistro Chicken Carbonara is really good!

Musical memories from childhood…destroyed!

As you probably know, I’m taking my second level of beginner’s French at the local chapter of Alliance Française.  While I was on the plane to SLC last night, I decided to listen to the audio CD I just received with my class materials.  Earlier in the day, I had ripped it to my Rio portable audio player, so it was very convenient.  Much to my surprise, I was able to catch more of the dialog than I had expected.  I had been warned it was “fast”, and it was!

After listening to the whole thing, I decided to nap for the rest of the flight.  Somehow in that half-asleep state I managed to start thinking about childhood songs that i now realize were in French. Continue reading

Last Cooking Club?

Tonight we had cooking club at Kevin & Will’s.  Alan and Michele were guests rounding out the table of 8.  We had a leisurely paced meal consisting of frut and nuts, a taglietelle pasta course, and chicken saltimboca for the main course.  Red beets with leeks and a cauliflower dish rounded out the meal.  For dessert, we had a chocolate-almond cake.  Another excellent meal all around!  And good company.

Having just passed our 10th anniversary in January, we may have come to the last regular meeting of our cooking club.  Kevin & Will are about to embark on the next “phase” of their lives…by relocating to Austin, TX.  It’s an exciting opportunity for them, and we wish them the best of luck in their adventure.  There’s talk of a National version of the cooking club, with visits to the corners of the country…so maybe we’ll continue to meet, just a bit less often.  So hopefully we can make that happen!

Welcome to our new “blog-style” site!

Since I’m traveling so much, it’s hard to use traditional tools to keep a web site up to date.  So I went looking for a site setup that was better suited to personal web sites for the purpose of posting news and information for those who would like to read it.

Well, it turns out that it pretty much was a blog is.  For those that don’t know, it’s short for “web log”, or online journal.  One of the nicest things about it is that it will allow both Jeff and I (and maybe even you!) to put content on the site more easily.  We’ll see if more easily equates to more often!

Please feel free to read and comment on the posts!  We’ll try to put them into categories so it may make it easier to select specific ones.  And of course, let us know what you think!

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